Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It was a nightmare....

I took the monorail on Monday evening and my god that was a new experience. The place was so crowded, I had to wait for 3 trains before I could board...actually I was pushed in...all I had to do was to stand and ppl just pushed me in...

But...yeap...but....I met someone nice...what happened was, I was waiting for the train with a Prof from MMU and we were talking when he decided to take a u-turn and take a cab to Bangsar. A lovely looking girl excused herself and asked me if the person I was talking to was from MMU. I said yes and we started talking.....

She was from MMU, a student who is currently doing her intern. I was telling her that this was my first experience taking a monorail and I could not imagine going through this every evening and morning...she said she takes 6 trains daily..the monorail, the lrt and the komuter....oh god!

I have no regrets using the monorail that day but I do pray I don't have to go through that everyday!

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