Sunday, October 29, 2017

My 2am chat with my Krishna

I couldn't sleep last night...

Tossed and turned for hours and listened to numerous songs but sleep evaded me for a long time. My usual conversation with Krishna before I hit the sack was "I love you Krishna" and I am flat out. Last night, we chatted, more like I talked and he listened.

I was reasoning to Him why I need someone in my life and the list goes like this:
   i. someone to love me
  ii. someone to give me a hug
 iii. someone to come home to
  iv. someone to tell how my day was
   v. someone to cook for
  vi. someone to go for a holiday with
 vii. someone to hold me  
viii. someone to wipe my tears away
  ix. someone to kill the bogey man
   x. someone to tell me I am not alone....

I dozed off when I was thinking reason number 11. Reflecting back, am I asking too much and being selfish for wanting someone for all the above given reasons. I mean honestly, I don't know what everyone is looking for in wanting/needing someone in their life but for me, my list seems so juvenile...

I wonder if there is someone out there making a list like mine and asking God why he needs a person in his life...