Monday, February 15, 2021

My walks

I love my walks

When I started on a lifestyle change, one item on the list was to start walking as a form of exercise. It was a 'task' / 'hard work' in the beginning. I started walking at my neighbourhood field in the mornings. The uncles and aunties were my big motivators. They always told me I can do it, keep going, keep smiling.....I formed a bond with was nice to be greeted in the morning with their smiles.

This morning I went for a morning walk at Gurney Drive. I told Ms L it was not hard work anymore, it's my fun time. My perspective changed over time....from hard work, it is now fun!
For all who constantly give me the encouragement and support, thank you!!

These are some of the photos I took during my walks....

My 2019 - 2020 Journey

 My physical & emotional journey....

Last September (2019) I was fasting for a month for religious purposes. Usually I will be on vegetarian diet but last year I decided to go on a one meal a day diet but drinking as much water I wanted the whole day. I continued on doing one meal a day and added walking as part of my routine. I started by walking 30 mins a day then gradually added 5-10 mins after every week. Now, I usually walk for an hour and 10 mins @ 7km either in the mornings or evenings.
During the MCO, no walking but I started on HIIT. A 30 mins of sweating which I looked forward everyday. Nowadays I alternate between my walks and HIIT and I still follow my one meal a day plan but I do have my cheat days

Many have asked why this change? Is there someone in your life? The answer is...there's only me & my Krishna in my life.... I'm doing this for myself.
I'm still the same person but there's lightness in my steps. There's a newfound cheerfulness in my life. I love my walks when I'm not thinking of anything. It's just me, my songs and Mother Nature. I feel energized. I feel a sense of achievement...most of all I feel Krishna is with me at every step I take.
K-A asked me, what am I trying to say here, what is my message. My message is everyone of us is going through a journey...this is my journey. I'm not in a competition, am not comparing myself to anyone, I don't have a goal, I just want to be the best me I can be.
Body shaming & colorism has been a constant in my life. Throughout my life, I was belittled, made embarrassed for my size and skin color. Many thought I won't achieve anything or be the person I am today. It has to stop now.
I am a plus sized and a dark colored lady. I am a happy lady. I am loved by those who know me and do not judge me based on my size.
My message today: be the best of you.

This is me today...