Sunday, December 1, 2019

A lifestyle change

Been doing intermittent fasting and walking for a good 40 minutes these days...

I started to fast during Purtassi, it was one meal a day and that was after sunset. During the day, I was just drinking water. It was something I wanted to do, my self discipline. I wanted to understand my body and see how I can manage control. Going on a vegetarian fast was not an issue but eating one meal a day was something new to me...and I was amazed I could do it and the best news was I actually lost a bit of weight.

I continued doing one proper meal a day and nights I just ate fruits and I felt better. I consistently started loosing 3kgs a month. My doc was impressed with me. Told me to carry on. I was happy with myself. So far I have lost close to 10kgs in 3 months....

My morning sky yesterday from the padang
Since last week, I started walking at my neighborhood
field. I started with a 35 minutes walk and slowly progressed to 50 minutes now. I love my morning the sound of the birds chirping. There are a few types I think. I noticed ants happily moving about. A flock of pigeons always at the same spot and the regular uncles and aunties. I noticed I was smiling, just smiling without any reasons. One of my neighbor uncle saw me, for the first time I said good morning to him and he smiled back with a nod. As I was walking I saw another uncle, smiled at him and I said good morning to him too. I loved the big grin on him. Now, every time I am at the field, uncles and aunties are greeting me with a smile and a good morning and it is really really nice.

There were times I just stayed at home and don't see anyone for the whole day or not even utter a word the whole day. Going out in the morning and looking at people and starting my day with a smile is indeed a good way to live.

Someone sent me a message this morning....every time someone smiles, it is a gift to the other person. I need to thank the uncles and aunties who is giving me this gift every morning for the past one week!

I love this moment and that is all that matters now.....

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