Tuesday, January 9, 2018

I wish...

How I wish I can just pick the phone and call someone ....

At this moment, all I want is to call you - yes you, who does not exist yet in my world. My tummy is hurting today and I don't feel well and what is sad is, I have no one I can tell/manja with. All I want is to go home, have someone make me hot tea and pamper me silly.

Little things that I wish for: for someone to drive the car, for someone to hold my hand crossing the road, for someone to help me decide what to eat, for someone to go for a movie with or a wedding to attend together or for a short holiday... Most married couple won't even think these things are important, it is, especially when you feel all alone in this world.

I went out for lunch with a couple of beautiful, married ladies. They were curious to know why am I in the mode to get married..I told them am looking for someone to chat and wake up in the morning to, that's when one of the chirped in, I am looking for a companion.

Right this moment, am just looking for someone to manja me. That's all I am wishing for....

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