Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Little things...

Little things that make you happy and sad...

I am just happy this morning for changing my phone cover, it is chilli red and I am just happy. The sun is shinning brightly on my face and I am happy. I have artificial red roses with tiny green leaves on a white vase at the window sill and I am happy. I am happy, I am reminding myself that little things make me happy coz the truth is I am sad.

Why the sadness my dear girl?

Sad coz I have become insignificant in many's lives. I am not part of their joy. I am only part of people's life when they need help, I am there to share their pain and sorrows but not their joy. I am not sure how to feel about this actually....a doormat? 

I will be ok. I have to make decisions. 

I will have my good days and bad days. I will survive. I won't dig into my past to find the answers, it is not necessary. I will focus what I can do for myself.

Be brave my fragile heart. We will be ok. We shall live on happily.

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