Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A melt down

Had a melt down a couple of days back...

My eldest niece finally agreed to get married to her long time partner, they met when they were both in Lower Six, it is a 10 years relationship with lots of ups and downs and drama! I was happy for her. Last year I had a chat with her, told her it is okay if she doesn't want to get married but chose to live with her partner. I had to brainwash her mom, my sis in law, that it is okay to be in a committed relationship. Anyway, it was a joyful occasion for her and her now husband.

As for me, the usual happened. I was alienated by my second sister and her hubby. They made me feel I was not needed there and that I did not exist. I was truly hurt, I am used to be ignored but somehow it still affects me. Been learning to be detached to everyone, but somehow I still am looking for that sense of belonging.

I realized last night that they have successfully made me feel that I am orphaned and all alone in this world. That reality hit me hard...at that moment, I did not turn to my Upper-walla, I just started crying. I forgot I have Him in my life, I totally didn't reach out to Him. Made me think, I just wanted to wallow in self pity....that's my fault, entirely my fault. I have said over and over that I have my Krishna with me but when I really need Him, it was me who did not turn to Him.

Lesson I learnt from this drama, life is short, if people choose not to be in your life, you have to just walk away. Don't wait to be invited back. I have to just chose to live the way I want, if I have to be on this journey on my own, so be it. 

I have my Krshna and He has given me good friends, I am happy.

As a friend this morning said "Life is a journey, learning.. never a mistake"

When I first spoke to DW on Sunday night, he was blabbering away, asked him what is it that you are trying to tell me, he said he don't know how to make me feel better. My dear friends, all I want is acceptance, to love and be loved. Am just a simple girl looking to belong...and I found it, at least for now, I know I belong to myself and to my Upper-walla. I am His, wholeheartedly...

A good morning message for me from one of friends....

Each and everyone of us have our purpose to be living this life. God has created us specifically to go through this life the way He wants it to be. We just have to not forget how awesome we are!

Cheers to life, it is beautiful....

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