Wednesday, July 12, 2017

My Chettiar

He is one of my sweetest friend...

My chettiar appeared in my life about 7 to 8 years back. He is one funny dude, forever cracking jokes and what not over the phone but in person, he is such a shy guy! Through him, I met his mom, sister, daughter and his wife. Now the wife, is another character la....

Well, a couple of days back, he called me. I used to talk to him practically every other day while he drives back home from work. And over the recent years, he changed jobs and but the frequency of calls didn't get affected that much! Anyway he called coz he was frustrated over someone. First I thought it was the wifey..I know...I am bad :) But it was not about the wifey. It was about his colleague.

My chettiar's frustration was not even about work. It was his colleague's attitude. That guy apparently drinks 3 to 4 times a week and that was not even my chettiar's issue. The issue was about his colleague fooling around with other ladies, going for escort service (my chettiar was too polite to mention the word call girls) and now having a relationship with a married lady. I asked my chettiar, why are you angry la? Coz you can't do any of these things is it? He said NO! It is coz the guy is married for over 6 years now and he has a very nice wife. 

This friend of mine was going on and on on how married men should not be cheating on their wives, on what is going to happen to the wife la, on why men do all these nonsense la...

He was so sweet, I was totally amused. I hardly hear a guy being upset with another guy for having an affair or etc. It was really something different...

To my chettiar, please don't change, I love you just the way you are!

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