Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To laugh or to cry??

I am really down......

Been a while since I wrote, was not feeling all okay about life...I know this is coming and I had no clue watsoever wat is going to happen...I know the future is not for us to see....but then again...

I remember the song...que sera sera...wat ever will be will be....I guess this is something I have to believe in and hang on to it...

I called the lawyer a while ago and after talking to him, I said I am nervous when he came up to say the most ridiculous thing...he was going..."I should be the one to be nervous as I am the one going to do all the talking to the judge" !! Alamak (that was my exact tot then) what kind of a lawyerlah I got ni :-)

That was when I was thinking...am I suppose to laugh or cry thinking of what is going to happen on that day??

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