Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Missing my doc

Doc went missing....

My doc went to Singapore for 4 days and I missed him so much on the chat. I wanted to message him but stopped myself from doing that as I know doc will have to pay more to receive the messages...

Earlier doc went to Sabah and I thought I won't be hearing from him for a week but thank god, doc msged while he was at his meetings...now I am wondering what was doc doing? sure not paying attention in his meetings la tu ;-) bad doc.....

I am not sure if it is already a year since I found my doc but it sure feels I have known him all my life. It is so easy to talk to my doc, talk about anything......he just does not laugh at all the silly things I talk, from clouds, to my romeo and juliet, to even issues on hugs, kisses and intimacy...

I am chatting with doc now as I am writing this entry.... and he said that he hope he did not disappoint me....God, doc is one person in life who did not let me down....I met him when I was going through a very tough time in life......he gave me support that may be he never realised how important it was. I still have an sms from doc, I asked him if I will be okay when I found out the divorce was final, his reply " you will be more than ok...u will be better". Doc I read the sms each time I feel down, I know at least you have faith in me when I start loosing faith in myself...

I would like to make a toast.......to a friendship.....that is beautiful, loving, unconditional....to my doc......love u loads.....hugs......

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