It was a lovely Sunday, start of Purtassi. I woke up in the morning full of energy and started cleaning up the house, changed the pots and pans, washed my front, even the dogs had a bath. Done with all my chores, I was taking a break and tuned onto channel 108 Tara on Astro. They were showing this movie, Hamari Adhuri Kahani....Our Unfinished Story....
The story was about a lady, married with a son, husband missing for 5 years but she was waiting for him, though working to sustain her life and her son's, she was true to her marriage vows. It was more of a tradition and culture that bound her to her vows, not her love for her husband nor the respect for her partner. Five years he went missing, and she went on with life being a florist for a hotel. Her flower arrangements come from her heart and she puts love in all her flower arrangements. The new owner of the hotel walks in and he falls for the flowers...
The story was about how both of them found love and how she understood the meaning of love and marriage vows. He asks her to "come and drench this barren land of my heart". He professes that " A true love story has no end" ...he sings "If paradise is here, why don't I see you.." The movie was was about second was about what is important now, not what society expects from you, not what tradition expects from you...
The struggles she had to remove her mangala sutra was real. Meeting another person or allowing another person into her life was is not easy to break away from what you have always been taught or what you always thought that this is the only way one should live life..
I started crying at the end of the movie, is there really a second chance in love? Is love so possessive? My question to myself was, am I still hoping? Hoping for what? That's a very important question I couldn't find an answer...hoping for what? A better tomorrow? But isn't my today good now and my tomorrow seems on the right path? It has to be love then, it has to be the sense of being part of someone's life, to love and to be loved...
I cried till I realized sometimes things are just not meant to be.... love was just not meant to be in my life..
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