Monday, March 6, 2017

D wedding and my crush

It was a beautiful wedding...

I decided not to be a drama queen on the wedding day. I decided to be happy and I was was a joyous occasion. The crowd was amazing, lots of chatting and hugging.

I saw him walking in and he had the biggest smile ever seeing me. Yes, my heart skipped a beat, my darling crush, how I wanted to give you a hug...I only managed to talk to him for a short while, was busy looking after the guests. He was as usual sweet and charming and dashing...oh how I wish I could be in his arms!!! I just wanted to tell him everything that is happening in my life at this moment and I want him to comfort me and take me away from all this drama...

Well, back to the wedding scenario, I had aunties & uncles asking where is my husband and kids...I got tired telling them I don't have a husband nor kids. I was hoping then, God, please send me someone, I shall then introduce him as my partner and get done by it. The more I think about it, the more it sounds enchanting...a partner!

My childhood friend was there, lucky his wife could not make it...I had more time to chat with him without feeling the wife going to tear me apart! It was good to catch up with my cousins too..

My Ah Leng was a pleasant surprise, said I looked nice and told me to be careful with my jewels! My typical Ah Leng :) I was lucky to have different set of friends who could mingle with each other and everyone was trying to keep one another company.

Abhi was such a sweetheart...I do believe she likes me :) She was happily playing with me, was laughing in the car when we went for a drive, was playing "what is it" at night and was chatting at the wedding. She can run now! And she can talk, says lots of things, of course nothing much I can understand la but I know for a fact she can say "whatsit"...that I am guessing she picked it up from her patti. And my dear sister, her grandmother, is teaching her how to beat!!

Though I was happy for the married couple, somehow, I missed my brother very much. He would have been so happy to see his youngest daughter married and entering into a new chapter of her life. Sending my niece back to her husband's house was emotional for both her mom and me. We were the only two people who teared when we hugged her. I know this house will always be her grandparents house and the door is always open for her and her husband but somehow, it is just not the same....

Well, two married and two more to go.....

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